Hussu, hailing from Rockville, Maryland, is a promising new artist who is starting to make waves in the music scene. Despite balancing school and family responsibilities, his passion for music shines through in every song. Hussu is eager for the world to hear his work, and his recent release is just another step toward that goal.
On August 16, 2024, Hussu released his solo track, ‘Why Don’t You Stay.,’ from his collaboration album with Manzi titled ‘Wish You Were Better.’ The song is a perfect blend of vibes, hook, lyrics, and melodies, proving that this talented artist has the potential to leave a mark in the music industry.
‘Why Don’t You Stay.’ is a track that reflects Hussu’s confidence and musical prowess. It is beautifully crafted and has a unique appeal that makes listeners want to play it on repeat. Hussu hopes that this song will resonate with a wide audience and earn its deserving appreciation worldwide.