Scurra, the enigmatic and masked artist, stands as one-half of the creative force behind Maskeraid Music Entertainment. Alongside his talented producer, Steeze, this dynamic duo creates music that harkens back to the golden era of late 90’s boom-bap Hip-Hop, infused with a heavier percussion and an abrasive flare.
With a diverse range of influences spanning from the likes of Griselda, The Alchemist, Earl Sweatshirt, $uicideBoy$, and even Three 6 Mafia, Scurra and Steeze fearlessly blend sounds and proudly wear their inspirations on their sleeves.
One of the most distinctive aspects of Scurra’s artistry lies in his easily identifiable voice. It cuts through the production, invoking a wide range of emotions. From song to song, listeners can hear the raw pain, anger, and melancholic sadness that permeate his lyrics. Scurra fearlessly delves into themes such as drug dealing, struggles with addiction, and painful loss, offering a glimpse into his own lived experiences. His ability to seamlessly shift inflections further immerses the audience in his world, allowing them to truly connect with the battered and tormented artist that lies beneath the mask.
Steeze, on the other hand, showcases his raw and powerful production skills, perfectly complementing Scurra’s voice. Many of their songs feature traditional drums, live samples, Memphis vocal cuts, and heavy kicks and 808’s, creating a sonic landscape that is both familiar and refreshingly unique. Steeze’s artistry shines through in his witty vocal chops and the incorporation of unconventional sounds throughout the production. His willingness to experiment and transform even the most unconventional elements into beautiful compositions is a testament to his talent and creativity.
Together, Scurra and Steeze form an incredible masked rap collective that captivates listeners with their unique blend of influences and musical prowess. Their music transcends the boundaries of traditional hip-hop, offering a fresh take on the genre while still paying homage to its roots.