Le Q.G, comprised of Luigi Vino and Fakir 2Mars, is a dynamic rap duo that traces its roots back to a serendipitous meeting in 2008 in the outskirts of Toulouse. Hailing from diverse backgrounds, with Luigi Vino representing the Parisian suburbs and Fakir 2Mars originating from the Marseillaise region, they bring a unique fusion of styles to the French rap scene.
The duo’s collaborative effort, the album “Méandres & Partitions,” is a testament to their journey as artists. Luigi Vino, also associated with “Bastard Prod,” and Fakir 2Mars have made significant contributions to various compilations over the years, showcasing their individual prowess. Luigi Vino featured in “Deadline,” while Fakir 2Mars left his mark on compilations like “Klassik Fucking Shit 1 & 2.”
This joint album is a culmination of their enduring friendship and musical camaraderie, a testament to the bond forged over the years. The project is enriched by the talents of accomplished beatmakers such as Toxine, Mehsah, Misère Record, and Crown, whose production elevates the sonic landscape of “Méandres & Partitions.”
Despite the passage of time and various challenges encountered along their artistic journey, Le Q.G has crafted a debut album that reflects their shared experiences, growth, and a shared passion for music. “Méandres & Partitions” stands as a celebration of resilience, friendship, and the artistry that emerges when two distinct voices seamlessly converge into a harmonious collaboration.