Released in May 2024, “Time” is a mesmerizing single by chancechancechance, Charlee, and Dom Marcoaldi. This track stands out with its unique combination of choir vocals, jazzy drums, and piano melodies, creating a captivating atmosphere that draws listeners in.
One of the standout elements in “Time” is the choir vocals. These vocals sound absolutely dope and add a unique texture to the song. They bring a sense of grandeur and depth, elevating the overall listening experience. The choir vocals blend seamlessly with the other musical elements, creating a harmonious and immersive sound.
“Time” takes inspiration from various musical styles and artists, resulting in a rich and eclectic sound. The track begins with a hint of Gregorian chant and acapella Beach Boys vibes, setting the stage for what’s to come. As the song progresses, crystal-blue electric arpeggios circle upon a lilting rhythm, creating a dreamy and nostalgic ambiance.
The jazzy drums and piano melodies add a layer of sophistication to the track. They bring to mind the syncopated bebop breaks and phantom woodwinds that moan forlornly in the background, adding a touch of melancholy to the overall composition.
The vocals in “Time” are a true highlight. The vulnerability of the falsetto voice takes listeners on an emotional journey. The vocals start soft and close, drawing listeners in with their intimate and personal tone. As the song progresses, the vocals become enveloped in spring reverb, creating a sense of space and depth.
The vocal performance in “Time” is reminiscent of doo-wop, with its smooth harmonies and soulful delivery. It also brings to mind the harmonic vocabulary of artists like Mild High Club, Thelonious Monk, and Bill Evans. Each chord is tinged with a blend of sad innocence and sweet, subtle dissonance, adding depth and complexity to the overall sound.
Listening to “Time” is like sitting on a bench in an hourglass, with only the ache of aging as a company. The song evokes a range of emotions, from nostalgia to introspection, and leaves a lasting impression on the listener.
“Time” by Chance, Charlee, and Dom Marcoaldi is a masterfully crafted single that combines elements of choir vocals, jazzy drums, and piano melodies to create a captivating atmosphere. The blend of musical influences and the journey of the vocals make this track a truly unique and memorable listening experience.
Artist links: Spotify